Class: 13
Company: Stealth
Categories: Alumni, Berliners
Location: Australia

Piero Poli is a serial entrepreneur having co-founded two companies since 2016. The first was Alonso//Poli a company that delivered digital transformation programs to major global clients in big pharma, aviation and consumer brands. His most recent venture is Stealth, a software company that he co-founded in April 2020.

Prior to these ventures, he was General Manager at Havas Group, where he lead the Havas digital team in the Middle East. Before becoming General Manager, Poli was VP of Strategy and New Business at Havas Digital. Other previous positions include VP Business Development and Strategy at Linqia, Director of Digital Marketing – EMEA at Warner Music International and Managing Director at Le Cool. He received his Bachelors in Communications, Economics, Management and Marketing at Monash University, as well as participated in the Executive Development Program at University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School.

Poli came to the Berlin School of Creative Leadership to further differentiate his team and his company in a competitive creative and digital environment. “Creative leadership is hard, but crucial. In a world of commoditization, look-alike products and me-too thinking, how can leaders in the creative industries orchestrate and bring seemingly disparate and ever-changing pieces together for a symphony and not just more noise?”

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