Position: Founder Partner
Class: 11
Company: KauneSudendorf
Categories: Alumni
Location: Germany


Class 11

As Managing Partner of his own company, Malte manages a workforce of 30 people who engage in co-creativity through creative branding (agency), creative content (publishing), and creative dialogue (gallery). The company develops digital solutions and campaigns, publishes and international fashion magazine and run a gallery for contemporary photography. He concentrates on leadership as a systems coach and team developer, and also takes these skills outside his own company and acts as a consultant for other organizations in how to achieve mutually respectful, solution-oriented collaboration.

Before starting his own organization, Malte previously worked for Euro RSCG, BBDO, DDB and Scholz & Friends Berlin, focussing on integrated campaign development and digital strategy. His clients have included companies such as Volkswagen, Audi, Henkel, Deutsche Post, Telekom, UPS and TNT Express.

On his choice to come to the Berlin School, Malte said “My experience within my own company has shown me that I have valuable business instincts. Nevertheless, I have the strong feeling that these skills require the refinement and development that the Executive MBA in Creative Leadership can provide, I am sure that this decision will propel me to new, inspiring perspectives.”

Learn more about our Executive MBA. 

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