Position: Executive Director Partner
Company: Advertising core of Conspiração Filmes
Categories: Participants
Location: United States

Partner and Executive Director of the Advertising core of Conspiração Filmes, Cristina has more than 25 years of experience in the Brazilian advertising market. She started her career in advertising agencies, and then moved to work in production houses.

She has been at Conspiração for the last 13 years, been instrumental in building the company as one of the most complete independent audiovisual production houses in Brazil. It offers production, production services, post-production and content creation do Cinema, Commercials, TV, Branded Content, Digital, Social Media and Arts+Music.

Throughout her career, Cristina conducted more than 2,500 advertising films for national and international brands including: Coca-Cola, Unilever, GM, Ford, Honda, VW, AMBEV, P&G, Visa, Mastercard, Pepsi, J&J, KimberlyClark. Additionally, she has served the largest agencies in the country and abroad, as WMccann, AlmapBBDO, J. Walter Thompson, Y&R, Publicis, Element79, LoweUK, Lowe Singapure, GreyNY, BBDOChicago, among others.

Learn more about our Executive MBA. 

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